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PhD Student - Advanced Automotive/Space/Avionics Systems (R1) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Software systems used in domains such as automotive, space, large scientific infrastructures or smart cities, have seen their complexity drastically increased in the last years due to the need of implementing advanced functionalities applied to cutting edge research areas like autonomous driving, traffic management, etc. The performance requirements of these new functionalities urge the use of parallel and heterogeneous architectures capable of delivering the expected throughput while still considering other non-functional aspects of the system like real-time requirements, fault-tolerance, and energy budgets, among others.

The research activities will be focused on one or several of the following topics, among others:

1. In close collaboration with leading automotive, space and avionic companies, development of software system prototypes to address the requirements of cutting-edge functionalities.

2. Optimization of advanced software functionalities targeting parallel computing architectures, including multi-core systems, GPUs and/or FPGAs.

3. Programming models: use, implementation and extension of programming models with parallel capabilities, like OpenMP and CUDA, to target complex software systems, and concurrent languages like RUST and Ada.

4. Code transformation and optimization: high-level synthesis and compilation techniques to boost performance, predictability and correctness, mostly based on LLVM and MLIR.

5. Runtime systems: run-time techniques to boost performance, heterogeneity (targeting GPUs and FPGAs) and fault-tolerance.

Key Duties

The works to be done in the scope of the last years of a PhD thesis include:

- Research on parallel programming models towards productivity and other non-functional requirements

- Development of compiler and run-time techniques to support extensions for performance and other non-functional requirements.

- Development of advanced application prototypes for the automotive, space and avionics domains to evaluate the proposed techniques

- Write technical reports and papers

- Attend technical meetings

Data de tancament: Dimecres, 31 Juliol, 2024

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